Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Sugi Saga

Saturday was a crazy day - Friday afternoon had shown the limits on 2 grown men's ability to lift 500 lbs with their bare hands (and a teacher and a finance guys' hands at that - not a powerhouse combo). But with a mound of lumber and 2 big logs up in the condo courtyard I had to go to plan "B", not that I had a plan B. So Saturday morning I went up the street to MLK and hired 3 day laborers to help me with the beasts.
Somehow, someway, we were able to roll the 2 heavy logs down the courtyard, slowly let them go down the stairs, and then put them onto the back of the pickup.
We did this twice, and I didn't think we were going to make it. It's amazing what some brute force can do mixed with a little determination.
Next we had to move all of the rest of the logs down to the sidewalk. This was not fun. I think a few of my laborers kind of lost some steam; granted, the heavy lifting was done. I later listed all of the wood on Craigslist and it was gone by the end of the day.
I didn't know if the Ranger was going to be able to take these logs all the way out to the burbs. (The guy who cut them said they probably weighed 500 lbs a piece, and a coworker told me my weight limit on the truck was probably that much.) I took the back roads out to the place where the guy at Rose City Lumber will mill them up for $0.50 / board-foot. It took him a while to meet me there, but there was a definite sense of accomplishment once they were safe and sound off the truck (and the truck still worked).
(BTW - 'Sugi' refers to the type of wood this is - I found out by posting a question on Lumberjocks...)

Just a little bit of wood....

Finally off the truck....

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